Wednesday, May 14, 2008

We're Gonna Turn It On!

That's right kids! It's coming BACK!!! OMGosh I'm so excited. My kids will get to share in the joy that is The Electric Company!

Is anyone else as excited as I am?


Michelle@Life with Three said...[Reply to comment]

I was just thinking about the Electric Company the other day. My sister in law passed on a very old cassette tape of songs from the show and I found myself saying, "Why did they stop that show?" I loved it. We'll definitely be watching, as well. Although, the fact that they pulled a writer from Law and Order: Criminal Intent has me scratching my head a little. :)

Trish said...[Reply to comment]

I saw this today too and am very excited. Did you also see there is going to be a new Fraggle Rock movie too? Loved FG.