Yesterday I discovered many new and wonderful blogs to add to my procrastination problem read for daily enlightenment. Robin at Around The Island linked to Rocks in My Dryer today which introduced me to (insert drumroll here) Works For Me Wednesday.
Honestly, if every blogger was required to do a WFMW we'd all be in better shape. Imagine combining the tips of people all over the world. Someone should write a book. Wait, has anyone written a book yet?
For my own WFMW I'm going to feature my new hand drawn notebook planner. Every year I head out to the store to get a planner. Half way (or sometimes sooner) through the year it is abandoned because the darned thing (a) didn't have enough room for me to write in it, (b) was too bulky to carry around, or (c) was destroyed in some freak kid accident.
So this year I made my own. I made it just how I like it in a notebook that leaves me plenty of room to write with Saturday and Sunday having JUST AS MUCH room as any other day (because seriously, I'm a MOM... these days are often busier than the weekdays) and still fits in my purse. Rock on.
Here's the cover. As you can see I have stolen some of Munchkin's Lisa Frank stickers that Santa put in her stocking. The 12 year old in me lives on.
Here's my month view. I put these at the beginning of each month instead of all grouped together like I usually see them. Works for me, yanno?
Finally, the all important week view.
So that's it. ;)
In other news, I did not get sick last night. Yay! However, Goober evidently lost his dinner all over his pillow last night while sleeping.... and did not wake up and let me know. Anti Yay.
So today we have two sickies at home. Bug has a boy scout meeting tonight and afterward we're picking up six (!!) cases of Girl Scout cookies to sell for Munchkin. Yowza. Maybe I should have them all wear surgical masks. Or take their vitamins! Does anyone have a WFMW on how to get kids to take their vitamins? It's not like I can just shove it in a ball of raw hamburger like the dog.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008

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Wow, that is one seriously organized notebook. Very impressive (and if you're at all like me then setting it up was good for a LOT of procrastination time).
Someday you're going to be a big WFMW star, and I'm going to be able to tell the folks down at the corner store that I started it all... ;-)
I stumbled across your link (thanks by the way) and I'm intrigued - I'll be sticking around to read more.
LOL! I doubt that WFMW stardom is in my future, but thanks for the compliment! ;)
Welcome to WFMW! Good first post! I like your notebook thingy. I'm currently using a planner I got at Target, and I like it, but it's too bulky. What good is a planner if it lives on my dresser?? So I think next time I'll use your idea.
A good planner seems to be so important. Especially as I get older and can't keep as much stored in my memory banks. :)
You've inspired me to make my own. And maybe I'll find some stickers for the cover, too! Everybody's inner 12 year old needs nurturing.
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