Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dogs Tails

As I've mentioned before, my best friend T is having her first child in December and as her best friend it was my duty to throw her a baby shower. :) My wonderful parents allowed me to use their beautiful and centrally located home for the event allowing the children and The Man to remain home while I entertained. A whole day with no kids! Rock on!

So without further adieau and because I'm having a bit of writers block lately when it comes to the blog, I give you pictures!


On the menu was fruit salad, cucumber salad, pasta salad, assorted cheeses with crackers, chicken dip, hummus and veggies, homemade chocolate chip cookies, and of course, cake.


Publix made the cake - is it not the cutest thing you've ever seen?


Over here we have coffee, punch, ice water, and an assortment of hot teas. There was also supposed to be iced tea but I forgot to take it out of the fridge until the party was over! Doh! Notice the additions to the diaper cake of which I am incredibly proud. :)


T collected many wonderful goodies for the baby.


There's the lovely mommy to be herself posing with a wee guard!


Of course, no baby shower is complete without humiliating party games. T's sister-in-law came up with this doozy. We were required to walk from one spot to another with two quarters between our knees and a balloon under our shirts. Then we were required to drop both quarters from our knees into this tiny little glass! It sounded horrible, but was actually quite fun.

And just like that it was over. I hope T enjoyed her shower. Now she should be all ready to have that baby which I am anxiously awaiting. I can't wait to sniff him. Does that make me weird?