Sunday, November 2, 2008

This is Halloween


Halloween may possibly be my favorite holiday. It's just about fun to our family. There's no real pressure, no cooking required, no need to find that perfect gift. It's all about acting goofy, and maybe a little spooky, and just having a good time.

This year the kids were adorable, if I do say so myself.



As usual we started the evening out with a visit to Bubby and Granddaddy's house and then it was on to Aunt & Uncle B1's house for trick-or-treating with the cousins.

Even Uncle B1 was being goofy while handing out candy to the local trick-or-treaters!


Till next year!


mah-meeee said...[Reply to comment]

looked like fun!

Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

hmmm. weird photos! but mine might be worse, it has roadkill:

Valarie Lea said...[Reply to comment]

Umm yes that first one is a bit odd...