I don't know about you, but I've stepped on one too many Legos in my life. Among Legos, I've also had the privilege of stepping on Barbie shoes, Lincoln Logs, Magnetix, and many other assorted toy parts.
Every Christmas there is a new onslaught of toys with tiny little parts that are brought into our house for me to injure myself on or otherwise become frustrated about when those tiny little parts are found in places like the drain of the sink, in between the cushions of chairs, the dryer, or teensy little crevices of the minivan that I will in no way ever be able to retrieve them from.
So this year when I get the inevitable "What should I buy your kids for Christmas?" question from family members and friends I have told them all "NO TOYS!"
This year, I'm all about toy alternatives. I'm thinking that even though my children won't be receiving quite so many toys this year, they'll still have a great Christmas. They'll be receiving books this year and some shelves to put them on. Perhaps some tickets to one of those fabulous Florida theme parks are in order. Some games for the Wii or the Gameboy will make a nice gift and maybe even some new crayons and coloring books.
I refuse to get caught up in the Hannah Montana/Tickle Me Elmo/Xbox 360 crazes that go around every year and I will not wait in 3 hour long lines and plunk down half of our monthly income so that Munchkin can have the *perfect* Christmas morning.
Because Christmas morning in this house will not be about material possessions or dollar amounts spent per child. That morning is about our family and how much we love each other. It's about wonder and magic and lights and pajamas and bare feet and hot cocoa. It's about sandy eyes and tousled hair and half eaten frosted cookies left out the night before.
And darnit, I just can't wait. :)
For more Works for me Wednesday posts, check out Rocks In My Dryer!
Hello, Ohio!
5 days ago
I've done the same thing this year, except I made a point of saying "no soft toys". Mum seems to be able to find the biggest stuffed dog in all of Ireland and promptly sends it to my house for it to take up have the child's bedroom. Seriously she could sleep on some of these things.
I've made up a list of things I want for her from Art & Hobby and they have to buy her presents there. I figure if I have to come out of work, she'll be easier to entertain if I have a huge stash of craft supplies. Plus they sell Crayola Colour Wonder so I won't even have to watch her like a hawk when she's using that.
Shelves are a good idea actually, she could use some in her room. I might get some of the plain wooden ones and let her paint them herself.
PERFECT! I love the way you think. ;) I've seen kids with floors full of toys and I think it's so important to teach them appreciation, y'know?
Oh, I'm SO with you here. Especially also after the joint b-day party we just had this weekend for both girls, too. I'm all about the books, but -- shocker -- NO ONE bought any books for my girls!! Except for me, of course.
This brought tears to my eyes. It sounds like a wonderful Christmas. I want this too. I don't know how to get it though. My boys are 15, 12 and 10. We have spoiled them to death every Christmas, and I don't know how to tone it down without it crushing them. The only thing to do is pray about it, God will show us what Christmas is really about. He'll take care of their hearts!
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