The kids have been dying to see Kung Fu Panda. Being that it's summer and we feel somewhat obligated to do some stuff with the little guys we considered going to see it Sunday afternoon at the bargain matinée price. So around 2:30 Sunday afternoon I checked the movie times and prices and discovered that matinée prices are for movies starting before 3 pm. What the...?? Didn't that used to be 6? What the heck is THAT all about?
I did a calculation on exactly how much it would cost us to take the family to the movie:
Two adults @ $9.50 each = $19.00
Three kids @ $6.00 each = $18.00
Two popcorns @ $4.50 each = $9.00
Five drinks @ $3.00 each = $15.00
Total = $61.00
HELLO!??!? Does anyone else think this is ridiculous?
Lucky for us, we have a local Drive In theater and whaddayanno they were playing Kung Fu Panda at 8:30. Rock on.
It costs $6 per adult and $2 per kid between the ages of 5 and 11 to get into the Drive In. Once you're in you can stay all night and watch as many movies as they're playing. We decided to make a night of it. We packed a cooler with some drinks, grabbed a bag full of Wise popcorn from the chip section of the grocery store, and ordered $17 worth of pizza from Dominos on our way to the Drive In. We arrived around quarter to 8, got a great spot, and had dinner in our camping chairs while waiting for the movie to start.
When Kung Fu Panda was over, Goober and Munchkin were sleepy so they curled up in their pillows and blankets brought from home and fell asleep in the van while The Man, Bug, and I stayed to watch Indiana Jones. I only watched the first part of Indiana Jones because the other screen (our drive in is fancy and has two of them) was playing Sex and the City! I kissed The Man, picked up my chair and carried it over to the other screen to watch my old friends reunite for the last time. Positioning myself between a couple of cars so I could hear their radios clearly I settled in to watch while my family enjoyed their action packed adventure movie.
It was definitely a good idea and it costs us less than $40 for dinner and all the movies we wanted to watch.
There are a few things you should know about the drive in.
1. If you have a van or SUV bring it. All the cool drive in goers have them.2. It is super important to get there early. It's a little nerve wracking to park after it gets dark and there are people everywhere. Definitely make sure you're there before the movie starts... headlights and movies don't mix.
3. Our drive in requires you tune into a radio station to hear the movie. Bring a boom box radio if you have one to sit outside. Then the kiddos can fall asleep in the car without Indiana Jones blasting in their heads.
4. Pack a cooler with drinks and snacks!
5. Be prepared to jump in the car if it rains or at least be able to tuck under your open hatch. We had a few sprinkles while waiting but nothing major.
6. Bring a jacket in case it gets chilly. can give you a list of drive in theaters near you. The site even lists the old drive ins that have closed and gives history for them. Have fun!
For more Works for me Wednesday tips, check out Rocks In My Dryer!
PS - This week I'm giving away my hardcover copy of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil ! Go comment to win! :)
Having a human body is bullshit
2 hours ago
We have a drive-in still open in our area. Thanks for the resource! Our son has never been, so we will have to go.
I have not been to the theatre in 2 just staed the reason why. Do you know the gorceries I could but with $61??
That is ridicilous!
I love the drive-in! We haven't been in ages! I'll have to make sure thats our next date! Thanks for sharing!
C'mon by Wani's World and check out my WFMW!
We used to the go to the drive-in when we lived in Utah but haven't found one yet out here. I love them though!
How fun. I haven't even seen a drive-in in years.
I LOVE going to the drive in! Unfortunately, it's an hour away so I don't know if we will be able to go this year, gas is way too expensive :(
I MISS the drive-ins! When we were in Cleveland we used to go all the time. I guess here in Florida it wouldn't be too much fun because of the humidity and the skeeters. I love that you left your fam with their action flick and moved your chair to see Sex!
we love them and the cheap movies here is also a good thing. we get coupons for buy one get one up to 4 admissions.
the Drive ins rock though and ares are a bit cheaper it is 10 a car load. and we always pack food we even skip the pizza and grill on the ground on the small gas grill and have hotdogs are hamburgers. This is the cheapest and funest family date night in our family.
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