Monday, May 11, 2009

It's an honor just to have been nominated...

Y'all, I've been nominated for a Nickelodeon Parents' Picks Award!

And that makes me feel all warm and squishy inside. And it makes me feel sorta guilty for being sorta a blogging slacker over the past week.

So I skipped on over to Nick's Parents Connect site to see what this was all about and I had a great time perusing the site! There's loads of information and advice for parents of kids of all ages and forums and other general ways to avoid your real life. Sounds like my kind of place!

But seriously, y'all. I've been nominated... and I want to win. :) Cause that's the kind of girl I am. So please head on over and vote for me. I even put the nifty little vote for me button up there in the top right corner so you can find the place to vote for me easily every single day until July 15th.


mah-meeee said...[Reply to comment]

oh yeah, totally voted for you! will vote for you on all the different computers i have access to. :)