I think I might be starting a cleanse today. I think. I haven't been to bed yet so today hasn't started yet and I'm not sure how I feel when I wake up.
But I think I might be starting one.
I really feel like things need to change. Hopefully this will be a good start to a lot of good change.
That is, of course, unless all this optimistic motivation is completely gone when I wake up.
If not, then I'll be off to Whole Foods in the morning for some Grade B Maple Syrup.
Rock on.
I'm not going to start today... I'll start tomorrow. But today I'll still be off to Whole Foods for some Grade B Maple Syrup.
This morning I woke up too late to get the kids to school on time. So I let them stay home and I went back to bed.
Parenting FAIL.
Hello, Ohio!
6 days ago
You can count me in on any cleanse that involves maple syrup:)
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