Today I have a 9 year old. So much has changed in the past 9 years I can barely believe it. It seems like an eternity ago and yet it seems like it was yesterday.
When Bug was born I had no idea how much my life was about to change. I had no clue that I could love someone so completely and wholly in the first instant I saw them. I would have never imagined that I would willingly give my life over for another person without even a second thought.
But then Bug came along and nothing would ever be the same again.
Over the past 9 years I have grown to know this little person, this wonderful and unique boy, and he continues to amaze me.

He's my sweet child, my inquisitive child, the child that will surprise me with a hug and an "I love you, Mommy" for absolutely no reason. He has warmed the heart of every one of his family members and almost every other person he comes in contact with. I am so excited and proud to be his mom and to watch him grow into the amazing man he's sure to be.
The time certainly does fly, doesn't it? Happy Birthday to your Bug!
Happy Birthday big guy.
happy birthday bug! that first pic is toooo cute & funny!
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