So tomorrow morning I'll be getting on a plane to fly to Pittsburgh where I will be co-hosting a baby shower for one of my closest friends, Jenny.
It seems like only yesterday (it was April 1st) that Jenny called me up and told me she thought she just might need to get a pregnancy test. Maybe.
I, of course, urged her to go get one immediately.
And what do you know? Jenny's preggers. It was a little funny that she found out on April Fools Day.
No really, honey, it's really NOT a joke. Really.
So tomorrow's the day that I get on the plane and all the hoopla can ensue.
I'm really excited because it will be the first time in a long time I'll see a couple of my old friends. And it will be five WHOLE days that I don't have to check homework or make anyone go to bed on time or anything like that. And I got a window seat on all flights there and back and I do love window seats.
But I do have a little confession to make.
I'm totally not a seasoned flyer. I mean, I'm not at all afraid of the flying part. Or the landing part or any of that. I'm just nervous about the whole airport thing. The security and the checkpoints and the "does my mascara count as fluids?" and "will I need a seatbelt extender? the HORROR!" and "what if my e-ticket doesn't work for some reason??" and all that stuff.
It would be one thing if I wasn't flying all by myself. Hopelessly alone.
Another if The Man could actually go through the security checkpoints and stuff with me and all that.
But no. I will be all by myself.
And it's the first time I'll be flying by myself since 9/11. And only the second time I'm flying at all since 9/11. And the first time since 9/11 I'll be flying on a real plane. Cause I sort of don't really count the 19 passenger plane we took to the Bahamas a couple of years ago.
19 passengers... yeah. It was an experience.
So I'm nervous, yes. And I think I might make a trip to the airport bar before I board. Because it's never too early to drink in an airport, is it?
Having a human body is bullshit
59 minutes ago
I'll bring over my homework for you to read, and I'm POSITIVE someone will be up past their bedtime at the convent who you can scold so you feel at home :)
no worries... but i'm not sure if you'll get around to reading this before leaving...
mascara definitely is allowed. unless your mascara comes in a 3.4 oz bottle. anyhow... will help with what to bring and etc.
have fun!!!
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