For a minute (it was actually more like a couple of weeks, did you notice?) I made this blog private.
Because for a minute I let someone back into my life and then I regretted it. And that someone was reading this blog.
But screw it, I say now. I'm not going into hiding for anyone. Meh.
It's T minus 5 days and counting until Back To School time here at the Spaz household and I am patiently waiting for that day to come. We're all ready, with brand new school supplies and all the socks and school uniforms washed and ready to go. We have new backpacks and we know where our school appropriate shoes are and we're back to a normal bed time.
But this year is going to be a little different for Bug and me because this year Bug's going to go to school in his bedroom. It's not exactly home school because I'm not making the lesson plans and I'm not really his teacher. He's enrolled in an online school that partners with our school board so I don't think I can really fail him too badly.
Because that was always my qualm with true home school. I think I would fail my child. Not to discredit those moms (and dads) out there who truly home school their children. No, if anything, I have the utmost admiration for what you do. I don't think I could do it.... I'd be like, "Factoring? Oh honey, you'll never really use the Quadratic Equation in real life! Don't even worry about it."
Really... do any of you really remember the Quadratic Equation?? (Jenny, if you're reading this, you aren't allowed to answer. You are a freak of nature who remembers everything anyone has ever told you.) And even if for some strange reason you do remember it, when have you ever used it? Ever?
That's what I thought.
But no, this school will hold me to standards and require that my brilliant boy actually stay on track and do testing and all that jazz. And there will be real teachers who teach him and real lesson plans. We're both very excited.
And nervous.
Okay, maybe it's just me who is nervous.
Because last year when I made this decision I thought it was such a great idea. Bug had some problems in the traditional school. He's easily distracted. He's prone to day dreaming. He needs someone to keep him focused all the time. They've hinted at ADHD at his school and made it clear that unless something changed severely, Bug wasn't going to be able to thrive in a traditional school environment.
So I could try medication or I could try gluten free diets or I could try this.
And it seemed so progressive and modern. Online school for my gifted child who just needs a little more hands on instruction than your average kid. Most likely because he's so brilliant, right?
I pictured our days together as blissful adventures in learning. I pictured dropping the younger two off at elementary school and coming home to find my Bug bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready to learn. I envisioned myself sitting down to the computer with him and reviewing his lessons for the day, the two of us doing fun experiments together and going on enriching field trips. I decided that this way Bug would get his one on one attention from me and he'd thrive by being able to set his own pace and learn the things he loves.
And maybe that's how it will all go, right? I mean, we haven't started yet.
But as the day looms closer I find myself with a nervous lump in my throat. Am I organized enough? Probably not. Do I really have the time to give Bug the necessary guidance he will need this year? I'll obviously have to make the time, but what else will have to give? Am I really up for this?
Only time will tell. Bug actually starts a week after the other two so he'll be glad to have that week to prepare for school in a quiet house free from his siblings. It's another week for me to get myself in order before we have to really put our nose to the grindstone.
I'm praying I've made the right decision for him.
The messages I write to myself are terrifying.
21 hours ago
Are you doing K12? My oldest is in the K12 program. You'll both love it no matter what program it is. Just remember some days are going to be A LOT harder than others but you'll get through it. He might not remember the Quadratic Equation when he is 30 but he will remember how his mother made a huge commitment to his learning by taking on teaching him instead of letting him get labeled by some "educators".
Kudos to you! Now, I know another Homeschooling Mom of 1 with the younger two in school. lol
We're doing the Florida Virtual School/Connections Academy program. Today was our first day!
I'll have to blog about it. ;)
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